92 photos   9407 visits

0 Now its time to say GoodBye

So all this time i thought i made true friends here but those friends totally forgot me and i see i can be used ! :( "thank you" for hurting me . is not enough that im hurted by my fake friends from my real life ??!
gosh ..
You all showed me u dont need me here so im gonna delete this account :( i lost my bestfriends, they all forgot me . :((

I have a heart too ! i'm a person with real feelings im not just ur toy. ! why are u doing this to me?? . guys i always supported you . but you dont .. :((

so bye , ill miss u even if you dont ! =[

Comments • 6

AbbyxNotSoSweet 30 January 2011  
:-h See ya, '' Cleo '' =]] xd lmfao
xKatiebubblexD 30 January 2011  
What cleo are u dreaming there??
xDoItLikeADude 30 January 2011  
Go Away!!
xKatiebubblexD 30 January 2011  
Leave me alone crazy fuckin' girl . x(
xDoItLikeADude 30 January 2011  
Do It Like A Dude :]]
DaceySmexiiGomezXD 30 January 2011  
Katie you think I don't know these feelings? Oh. I know them very good cuz I'm living them. :( If you'll go, I will do the same because you were the only one who talked to me when I was alone. :( I must thank you for this.. :( But please don't leave us. Be strong.
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